Young adults of Maghrebi descent in France: guidance and the challenges to educational and labour market integration

France has been a host country to immigrants from the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) for more than a century. This chapter focuses on the children of these migrants, most of whom were born in France and have French citizenship. And yet, as first or second generation citizens with a Maghrebi background, they nevertheless manifest particular patterns when it comes to school achievement and subsequent inclusion in the labour market, areas in which educational and occupational guidance play a mediating role. The chapter shows that this particular group experiences cultural and linguistic d... Show more

Authors: Cohen-Scali, Valerie; Hafsi, Alma; Werquin, Patrick

Published: Rotterdam, Netherlands, Sense Publishers and Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 2017

Resource type: Book chapter

Access item: Request Item from NCVERPublisher or alternative source

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