What would Humboldt say: a case of general Bildung in vocational education?

A classic philosopher in the Bildung-tradition, Humboldt, argued that general Bildung was the opposite of specialist training (vocational education). This has been a matter of contention and the aim here is to revisit the issue through an empirical case study. In the vocational education biography of craft master Wolfgang B. he speaks about aspects of his education that have much in common with Humboldt's ideal of general Bildung but transposed into the context of vocational education and training (VET). The concept of vocationalism (Beruichkeit) provides context to the present argument which ... Show more

Authors: Tyson, Ruhi

Published: Bremen, Germany, Institute Technology and Education, University of Bremen, 2016

Resource type: Article

Access item: https://doi.org/10.13152/IJRVET.3.3.4

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