Firing up regional brain networks: the promise of brain circulation in the ASEAN Economic Community

The goal of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) of encouraging intraregional mobility must be understood in the context of changing population dynamics, rising educational levels and aspirations, and increasingly dynamic - if complex - economic forces. This report explores the forces that are poised to transform the supply, demand, and mobility of skilled professionals across ASEAN, and the unique opportunities their convergence presents for human capital development and brain circulation within Southeast Asia. It draws on the insights of nearly 400 ASEAN and member state offici... Show more

Authors: Batalova, Jeanne; Shymonyak, Andriy; Sugiyarto, Guntur

Published: Mandaluyong City, Philippines, Asian Development Bank, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: x, 56 p.

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