Harnessing the potential of ICTs: literacy and numeracy programmes using radio, TV, mobile phones, tablets and computers

Lifelong learning is the vision guiding the Education 2030 Framework for Action. To implement this Framework, flexible and accessible learning opportunities must be provided using different pathways, modalities, mechanisms, and channels such as information and communication technologies (ICTs). Mobile technologies in particular are regarded as highly promising for accelerating progress towards the literacy target. They are expected to motivate learners, to promote quality and effective learning, and to deliver services more efficiently. However, the great potential for ICTs to benefit literacy... Show more

Authors: Hanemann, Ulrike; Scarpino, Cassandra

Published: Hamburg, Germany, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2016

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 159 p.

Access item: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002439/243981e.pdf

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