Driving the direction of transfer pathways reform

Despite widely shared aspirations, the vast majority of community college students do not continue their studies at four-year colleges. In November 2013, Jobs for the Future convened higher educational leaders and researchers to explore state-level policy strategies for restructuring community college in ways that enhance student progression through associate’s degree programs and into upper-tier university coursework. Building upon the convening, this policy brief sets out principles for how to approach transfer policy, advocating a three-legged stool approach that balances ince... Show more

Authors: Altstadt, David; Schmidt, Gretchen; Couturier, Lara K.

Published: Washington, District of Columbia, Jobs for the Future, 2014

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: [35] p.

Access item: http://www.jff.org/sites/default/files/publications/materials/Driving-the-Direction-Pathways-Reform-042414.pdf

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