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    Assessment criteria in the context of qualifications and unit standards development: developing a theory of competence

    The requirements for the registration of qualifications and unit standards on the South African National Qualificat... Show more

    Authors: Vorwerk, Christoph

    Date: 2005

    Geographic subjects: Africa; South Africa

    Resource type: Article

    Journal title: Skills@work: theory and practice

    Subjects: Assessment; Qualifications; Evaluation ... [+] Show more

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    Occupational qualifications: work experience and real skills development

    As [South African Qualifications Authority] SAQA registers more occupational qualifications, human resource (HR), e... Show more

    Authors: Vorwerk, Christoph

    Date: 2014

    Geographic subjects: South Africa; Africa

    Resource type: Article

    Journal title: Skills@work: theory and practice

    Subjects: Workforce development; Skills and knowledge; Qualifications