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    Academic impacts of career and technical schools

    This study presents findings from three cohorts of students - the classes of 2003, 2004, and 2005, in the School Di... Show more

    Authors: Neild, Ruth Curran; Boccanfuso, Christopher; Byrnes, Vaughan

    Date: 2015

    Geographic subjects: North America; United States

    Resource type: Article

    Journal title: Career and technical education research

    Subjects: Vocational education and training; Secondary education; Students ... [+] Show more

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    The academic impacts of career and technical schools: a case study of a large urban school district

    For approximately 900 American high schools known as 'career and technical high schools' (CTE schools), workforce p... Show more

    Authors: Neild, Ruth Curran; Boccanfuso, Christopher; Byrnes, Vaughan

    Date: 2013

    Geographic subjects: United States; North America

    Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

    Subjects: Vocational education and training; Providers of education and training; Outcomes ... [+] Show more