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    Good gig, bad gig: autonomy and algorithmic control in the global gig economy

    This article evaluates the job quality of work in the remote gig economy. Such work consists of the remote provisio... Show more

    Authors: Wood, Alex J.; Graham, Mark; Lehdonvirta, Vili; Hjorth, Isis

    Date: 2019

    Geographic subjects: Asia; Africa

    Resource type: Article

    Journal title: Work, employment and society

    Subjects: Employment; Management; Globalisation ... [+] Show more

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    Digital labour and development: impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods

    As ever more policy-makers, governments and organisations turn to the gig economy and digital labour as an economic... Show more

    Authors: Graham, Mark; Hjorth, Isis; Lehdonvirta, Vili

    Date: 2017

    Geographic subjects: Africa; Asia

    Resource type: Article

    Journal title: Transfer: European review of labour and research

    Subjects: Employment; Technology; Governance ... [+] Show more