Evolution and challenges of the Spanish VET system: from a school-based to a work-based approach

[This] article discusses the educational policies that move the Spanish [vocational education and training] VET model from a school-based to a work-based approach, taking into account the history and cultural tradition that has shaped it throughout history. Firstly, it presents a historical analysis of the evolution of the vocational and educational system in Spain since its first years of formation. Secondly, it analyses the efficiency of the VET system in terms of enrolment, graduation and employment rates of graduates. Finally, it discusses the challenges that need to be tackled to bolster ... Show more

Authors: Renta-Davids, Ana-Ines; Fandos-Garrido, Manel

Published: Bern, Switzerland, Peter Lang Publishing, 2017

Resource type: Book chapter

Access item: Request Item from NCVERPublisher or alternative source

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