OECD review of career guidance policies: Norway: country note

OECD’s Education Committee, together with its Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee, endorsed a new activity on policies for information, guidance and counselling services in 2000. The main aim of the activity is to understand how the organisation, management and delivery of these services can help to promote key policy activities such as lifelong learning for all and active labour market policies. Fourteen OECD countries were involved in this activity: Australia; Austria; Canada; the Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; Germany; Ireland; Korea; Luxembourg; the Netherlands; Norway; Spai... Show more

Corporate authors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Published: Paris, France, OECD, 2002

Resource type: Country information

Physical description: 24 p.

Access item: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/38/24/1937973.pdf

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